The Perry Initiative is grateful for financial support from corporate entities, foundations, and community partners. Join the list of prominent organizations that are already "Paying It Forward" by supporting our mission. Please contact us for more information.
Platinum ($50,000 and up) – Benefits include company logo on items distributed to all program participants, as well as Gold benefits.
Gold ($25,000 to $49,999) – Benefits include company logo and link on all Perry Initiative emails throughout the year, as well as Silver benefits.
Silver ($10,000 to $24,999) – Benefits include company logo and link on The Perry Initiative’s website and strategic social media mentions throughout the year, as well as Bronze benefits.
Bronze (up to $9,999) – Benefits include acknowledgment in print and electronic materials related to program location(s) and company name and link on The Perry Initiative’s website.
We are also open to customization of sponsor benefits. Other opportunities for sponsor recognition could include articles on The Perry Initiative’s website and social media, company logo on program supplies, donation matching, displays at events, event invitations, and naming rights for new programs.