Introducing Orthopaedics in Action!



We are excited to introduce new hands-on curriculum appropriate for use in co-ed middle and high school STEM classrooms. Orthopaedics in Action (OiA) has been designed to meet national education standards (NGSS) while providing real world applications of traditional subjects such as math, physics, and biology. OiA kits come complete with five stand-alone lessons that aim to span the gap between engineering and the biomedical sciences.


Kit Contents 

-5 individual hands-on classroom lessons (45-60 min) centered around case studies introducing orthopaedic and engineering concepts

-High quality equipment, including reusable anatomical models and biomechanical testing stations

-Complete professional development materials, including video training, lesson plans, and class handouts



Engineering an Ex-FixEngineering an Ex-Fix

Fix a broken tibia by assembling an external fixator. Perform a biomechanics experiment to determine if your design is optimized.

Core Concepts: Geometry, structural design, force interactions, data collection and analysis.


Anatomy ofAnatomy of a Knee Injury. a Knee Injury

Given a knee model and a series of diagnostic tests, determine what ligaments the patient injured.

Core concepts: Structure and function, data collection and analysis, anatomy.






ScoScoliosis Diagnosis liosis Diagnosis

Determine the severity of a patient’s scoliosis and prescribe a treatment plan.

Core concepts: Geometry, trigonometry, data collection and interpretation, anatomy.







 Repair that TearRepair That Tear

Repair a torn tendon using surgical suturing techniques then perform a mechanical stress test to determine the best method.

Core concepts: Structure and function, mechanical testing, data collection and analysis.





Get a GripGet A Grip

Learn about the pulley systems in the hand and how simple machines are used to manipulate forces.

Core concepts: Simple machines, forces and motion, data collection and analysis.